Friday, December 28, 2012

Postpartum Depression vs Postpartum Psychosis; 1, 2, 3, 4, - I declare... War?


Are We Battling for Our Place; Our Voice?

In my longstanding pursuit of wanting to not only have a voice myself, but to enable others to have a voice in similar circumstances as well, it seems we have (and by "we" I mean 'me') inadvertently stepped on some toes. It's often difficult to be heard unless you shout in this busy world of everyone talking over everyone else. ...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Natachia Barlow Ramsey - Contact Information

I am Natachia Barlow Ramsey. In 1999 I went undiagnosed with Severe Postpartum Depression with Psychotic Features (Postpartum Psychosis). Not only did I lose my mind; I lost my son. 

I was tried for the death of my son, Was found Not Criminally Responsible. I Spent years in the mental health system while fighting for my daughter who'd been taken into DHHS custody. After 13+ years, I finally feel ready to have a voice and speak not only on behalf of myself, but for other women like myself.

I finally feel ready...